The mandate of the Board of Trustees of East Central Alberta Catholic Separate Schools Regional Division No. 16 is to provide the students with a complete offering of learning opportunities delivered within the context of Catholic teachings and tradition, the means of the Division and the legislated requirements of the province. In order to fulfill its mandate, the Board has adopted the following mission, vision, values, and commitments.
We envision that:
Together we live our faith and engage life long learning.
We value:
Lifelong learning and achievement.
The right to Catholic education and the responsibility it entails.
Strong and supportive relationships.
Each person as a child of God.
The gift of our resources.
Our right and responsibility to our faith.
We commit to:
Welcoming all with unconditional love, as Christ would.
Catholicity being included in all our learning.
Working together to achieve our common goals.
Learning to learn, to think, to question, and to discern.
Learners being engaged, challenged, reaching for undiscovered potential; and being recognized for doing so.
We believe that:
Together with home and church, we respond to the needs of each student by providing quality learning experiences rooted in our Catholic faith.